Information Lifecycle Mgmt

Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is the practice of applying certain policies to the effective management of information throughout its useful life.  Information Lifecycle Management comprises the policies, processes, practices and tools used to align the business value of information with the most appropriate and cost effective IT infrastructure from the time information is conceived through its final disposition.  Information is aligned with business processes through management policies and service levels associated with applications, metadata, information, and data.

ILM includes every phase of a "record" from its beginning to its end.  And while it is generally applied to information that rises to the classic definition of a record, it applies to any and all informational assets. During its existence, information can become a record by being identified as documenting a business transaction or as satisfying a business need.  In this sense ILM has been part of the overall approach of ECM Enterprise content management.

Agitech’s ILM services include:
•    Archiving
•    Oracle Archiving tools
•    Storage base archival Techniques/Multi-tiered Archiving
•    Securing Archived Data